
News & Views


Our archive of project updates, articles and opinion pieces by our partners about the Future of Work, Technology and their individual work experiences and passions.   

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Twickers 2016 – Army v Navy Rugby

Twickers 2016 – Army v Navy Rugby

Football has captured the public’s imagination in recent weeks with the Leicester City triumph against the odds; what a spectacle! However, few in the forces could not help but be equally inspired and gripped by the sense of occasion at the annual clash between the...

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Leaping into the void

Leaping into the void

Often I meet highly competent professionals who are between jobs and “in the perfect world” would start their own business as consultants, passing on their invaluable knowledge. They tell me that they are clear that’s what they want to do but they are reluctant to...

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Future of Britain’s cities goes live

Future of Britain’s cities goes live

What does the future look like for Britain’s cities? One model is revealed on Ethos Future Cities’ newly launched website, along with live information on parking availability across the UK. The website is part of a multi-media strategy to support sales of Future...

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Diversity at the heart of Ethos

Diversity at the heart of Ethos

It feels as though we’re living through a moment - around the World - when we’re having to ask ourselves, should we open up to more diversity (and uncertainty)? Or should we tighten controls and policies, stick with traditional working practices and people that we...

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Networking T!

Networking T!

The Army Alpine Championships are held each year in Serre Chevalier in France, over 100 brave soldiers throw themselves down the mountain in a series of races culminating in the blue ribbon Downhill event. It's hard to appreciate when you are watching them cross the...

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