Value Exchange: Our Values and Beliefs

“We shape our OURSLEVES and thereafter we shape OUR SOCIETIES”. Read the charter
 Purpose: This brief summary outlines the philosophy of promoting a set of values and beliefs which manifest in a practice we call Value Exchange. When we use these two well recognised words together, they combine as a compound in almost complete opposition to how we use these words separately, in everyday conversation. It is like Sodium is a highly reactive metal that can combust on contact with water and like chlorine is a poisonous, greenish-yellow gas, yet when combined, these two dangerous substances form table salt, which is not only stable and safe to eat but essential for life.
Value is normally seen as economic. Exchange is normally transactional. When combined, Value Exchange majors on uncovering social value, environmental value, social capital and relational approaches. We start with the philosophy that not everything that can be priced is valuable and not everything that is truly valuable can be priced. The “Value” in “Value Exchange” is more like how we use the word in value in “Values and Beliefs” rather than the “Value of a pound of grapes”.
Free: Value Exchange as a process and framework as developed EthosVO is a truly open approach. Anyone can use the framework and process is under creative commons licensing (TBC).
Why? Our core belief is that we should be able to live in a truly relational, trustworthy world free from worry about scammers, wars or exploitation. Of course we are a long way from this. Our belief is that as humans, there are a number of universal truths about being a human that we can describe as Core Values and Beliefs which give us a basis to agree on things rather than to differ. By highlighting our similarities, we can build trust more quickly and learn to work with people who perhaps look and act in ways different to our expectations.

Core Values and Beliefs (in order of importance):

What Value Exchange is NOT A social network!! Not randomly “liking”, “posting”, “promoting”.
Value Exchange is a Reflection: You reflect formally no more frequently than once per month. No more infrequently than each three months. Our philosophy requires a collaborative reflection each one to three months. You own experiences captured, and you ask your closest collaborators to reflect on you and your reflections. You look back to those who have supported you the most and forward to those bridges you may need to support the change in yourself and ultimately in the world.
Trustworthy Leadership: If we choose to trust others, they are more likely to trust us in return, creating a positive ripple effect that spreads trustworthiness far beyond the initial exchange. Building positive change and outcomes is always limited by the “speed of trust”.
Openness and collaboration: If you are not open it is difficult to collaborate! Trust must not be limited to your family, company, church, peer group, interest group. Open to trust, open source, open innovation, open door, open to new conversations, to diversity from your current context. Collaboration means boundary hopping. Participation: working, geographic, thinking, acting, voting, politically, membership group, events. True trust know no boundaries. We should seek joy in our actions. Championing real flexibility in yourself and others will help to achieve all this. It can help to prioritise learning through experimenting, doing, piloting and reflecting when things turn out differently.
Permission and Generosity: You own your own data and can choose how generous you wish to be, you can decide how and who to share with recognising that generosity can enable. On a related point, wellbeing, kindness and unconditional love Matters. Prioritise these things. Knowing when to stop or pause is a great permission to give yourself.
Promote Social/Environmental Value:  You recognise that any change starts with the ability to change oneself and that starts with our own stories and emotions. Social value is not something we “do” to others in a disembodied way. Only from true empathy and experience can we truly support others needs.  Everyone has a powerful story. See examples in the Value Exchange podcast.  Recognise that it is your authentic lived experience which is the only thing which has the power to guide you towards your true fulfilment and purpose in life.
Work is not Labour: We have lost the distinction. Labour is “time for money”. Labour can be meaningful or meaningless to our souls. Work is how you spend your time and energy and encompasses all those things which are not labour.
Moderate Self-Interest: You commit to tirelessly working to uncover your own, organisational and other’s interests.  Balance your interests (your organisation’s interests) with the world’s needs.
Embrace and Accept Diversity: Every human being will be different to you in many ways. Focus on the sameness and be conscious that working through diversity yields better results.
Value Exchange: Together these principles represent the heart of what we call Value Exchange which is an open source method of reflecting on your place in the world and what makes you tick and what you would like to do next.  You don’t do this alone but with your most trusted connections.  We ask that you commit to reflect and find your own unique Value Exchange journey.
I agree to these values – sign the Charter.

Last update 21 March 2025 – Shorter. Another draft.